Por Hüga Technology

Cost overruns and deadlines drain construction companies in silence

Did you know that 8 out of 10 construction projects suffer average cost overruns of 25% and are not completed on Schedule?

How is this possible?

The construction industry has been suffering from problems derived from non-compliance with deadlines and budgets for decades. Deficiencies in the design, planning, management and operation of construction projects turn into unnecessary delays, hidden costs and reworks, among others, that generate huge losses in productivity and profitability of companies.


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According to Jackson (2002), Aljohani et al (2017), McConville (2021), some of the main causes that trigger this imbalance are:

  • Design changes during construction.
  • Lack of details or uncertainties of the executive project.
  • Poor planning and cost estimation.
  • Poor project management and construction logistics.
  • Shortages of skilled labor and subcontractors.
  • Fluctuation in the price of materials.
  • Disjointed supply chain.

Disrupting construction: Five big ideas



What can we do to solve it?

The key is to adopt a well-integrated planning, design, production and quality control process. This is achieved through the use of technology and software that allow the digitization of the industry, and thus achieve a connective and collaborative work among all participants. In this way, individual efficiency and global results are enhanced, focusing on monitoring indicators that detect deviations in advance and provides the necessary feedback to improve the productivity of your company.

Every day projects, even the simplest ones, become more complex. According to McKinsey Global Institute, the growing demand for environmentally sustainable construction requires a rapid shift in traditional practices. If we add the forecast of an increasing shortage of skilled labor and supervisory personnel, the best course is to introduce new ways of thinking and working. 

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